Sunday, November 26, 2017

Fall time on the farm

WOW! My blogging start has been slow and bad. Apologies!

However, while walking the field the other day it hit me, I even like the smell of our farm. The wind will pick up and you can smell hints of leaves being burnt, grass drying out and certain trees even. I’ve found myself over the course of the last couple months sneaking away to just go be there. Just to walk around and be in the fields doing nothing but walking. It centers me in a sense. Sometimes I accidentally sneak up on a deer or two and they’ll run away and bound through the open field until they hit the woods. And I think, this is mine. I get to live here. Thankful doesn’t seem to be a grand enough word to describe the feeling I have. My inner being swells with peace and I know what it means to love the land in which you live.

The air has been crisp and windy recently but the sun was bright all Thanksgiving weekend, which we were so glad since we were digging trenches and installing water and electric lines. As my daughter was frustrated with the house build and the farm work in general she, in anger, said “why do you want to raise your kids this way?” To which I replied, “so you can learn how to work and stand on your own and when your an adult you can decide then how you want to do life. But when someone wants to charge you $10 a foot to put in a utility line you can either pay them or do it yourself because you’ll have the confidence to do either” she thought a little and did some math and said “I think I’ll do it myself” And there ya go, 1 farm lesson learned.

Much to the dismay of Brent I am never satisfied with the amount of work completed in one day. We work hard and long and then when you take a look at what was completed at the end of the day I say, “that’s all?! That’s all we got done?!” It’s not a good quality in me but I like to work fast. I’m like a combustible engine, I wake up early and want to work hard and fast all day but when that sun goes down I am ready to turn off. Needless to say the winter months are not easy months for me because I don’t work well past dark. 😀 What can I say, I’m not a night owl.

Oh yeah!! Chickens are HILARIOUS! They have their winter coats in and so they look all big and fat. Especially are one little silkie, Felicia. (Bye, Felicia! 😂) she is like a round cotton ball with a beak and feet. Both kids agreed once we move into the farm in a couple months we need more chickens and the talk of goats has come up again. (They’re from the Devil I tell ya)

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and as we enter into the time of Christmas let’s be kind to one another and remember everyone around you has a struggle in their life.
36 degrees getting ready to glue more  Schedule 40. We got this. 

Pawpaw getting in on the trench action.