Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year

Happy 2018. I’m still writing 2017 on everything. I figure I’ll catch up in about two weeks.

I hope all reading this had a healthy, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years.

Here on the farm we have a new saying, “it’s stupid cold”. Yes those three words have been uttered multiple times a day for the last two weeks and if you live in the USA you know why. Each time I go check on the chickens I think, please don’t let them be dead. Brent laughs and will ask, do we have frozen chicken nuggets yet? However I’m happy to report that they are still hanging in there. They’ve stopped laying eggs but honestly who can blame them?!

Thanksgiving break and part of Christmas break we spent trenching lines for water and electric. If you’ve ever thought, for even a second, that you’re somehow better than those people digging ditches and such....trade places with them and see how lucky you have it. Good grief that is back hurting work! But we are trying to make sure our infrastructure is getting placed in a way that we can easily access it to add on barns and fences and such. I’m sure we didn’t think of everything, no one ever does, but we gave it the best we could.

Last night Brent asked me, “what kind of farmer do you want to be?” Ummmmm a good one?? But no, in all seriousness I want to do a little of everything. I need to contact a local farmer I follow on FB and ask if I can talk with her. Kinda learn some tricks of the trade from someone local, if she’s willing. Which reaching out to a stranger like that isn’t exactly in my comfort zone. But I’m pretty sure we busted that zone to bits when we bought the farm so might as well keep on going. Maybe by putting it out there that I need to contact her I actually will?! Keep you posted.

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